Wednesday, March 31, 2010

Meijers Trip!

Had a pretty good mini-shopping trip to Meijers, not a lot of coupons but some good prices. It would have been a normal shopping trip had my husband not taken my bank card... but I digress....

Anyways, here's the breakdown -

1 Can Mighty Dog (FREE with coupon)
1 Nail Clipper (on mega clearance for $.09)
3 Nail buffers (on clearance for $.09)
1 Box of Pop-Tarts (a big box not on sale and no coupon but I promised my daughter she could pick something)$2.99
2 bags of Cheese puffs (gluten free snack for my youngest daughter) on sale $1.39 ea
1 box of fruit snacks $1.88
2 boxes Chex (gluten free!) $1.99 ea minus $1.00 off coupon
1 Jif Peanut Butter $1.99
1 Snuggle Fabric Softener 70ct $3.29 minus $3.00 coupon ONLY $.29!
1 Chi Chi's Natural Chips $1.50

Subtract $3.30 bottle refund

Total $12.81

I didn't use a ton in coupons, but everything I bought was on sale. The Snuggle was a GREAT deal. I had a ton of coupons for free dog products, and of course Meijer didn't have any of it in stock. Should be doing my major shopping tomorrow, I mainly went today cause we were out of cereal and I wanted to make sure I got the Snuggle before the mega couponers snagged them all up!

What are your great deals this week? Post them here.

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